Ukrainian Seafarers

Ukraine has a developed maritime education & training infrastructure with strong maritime traditions. The Ukrainian system of maritime education, training and certification of seafarers is recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and audited by European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).

Every year, more than 10,000 well-trained, talented and motivated young Ukrainians join international shipping. We are educating a new generation of seafarers from cadets to officers for the success of your maritime business efficiency, safe, secure and green navigation.

Modern maritime educational centers located in Odesa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Izmail and Kyiv provide high-quality maritime education and training for young officers and ratings. 

National University “Odesa Maritime Academy”

Founded in 1944, the National University “Odesa Maritime Academy” offers modern facilities and up-to-date maritime simulators, methodological support and staff capability. Every year, the University graduates over 6,000 specialists of various levels, from a Junior Specialist to a Master’s degree.

Education and Training of seafarers is conducted in full compliance with the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as amended, and other relevant international conventions.

The Quality Management System of the University is verified by the certification body «Bureau Veritas» and meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard for educational, methodical, scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities and practical training of seafarers.

The training programs in 4 engineering specialties of the University at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels are accredited by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology of the United Kingdom (IMarEST) to meet the requirements of the highest level of Chartered Engineer in the UK.

University structure:

Odesa National Maritime University

Since its founding in 1930, the Odesa National Maritime University (ONMU) has been a stronghold of higher maritime education and maritime safety, implementing the best world traditions, innovations and advanced strategies.

Over the decades, the University has trained thousands of highly qualified engineers, navigators, and other specialists who today helm the global maritime industry.

ONMU strictly adheres to international and national education quality standards. Every aspect of the educational process, from faculty selection to the updating of curricula and technical facilities, is aimed at preparing specialists capable not only of successfully solving professional tasks but also ensuring safety at sea. This approach allows ONMU graduates to occupy leading positions in maritime companies worldwide and contribute to the development of the entire industry.

The Quality Management System of the University is verified by the certification body «Bureau Veritas» and meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard for educational, methodical, scientific, scientific-technical and innovative activities and practical training of seafarers.

Education at ONMU is oriented towards the sustainable development of the maritime industry. Students learn not only to navigate vessels and port operations but also to apply environmentally safe technologies and methods. This approach is crucial for the conservation of marine resources and minimizing environmental impact, making ONMU graduates highly sought-after specialists on a global level.

The use of modern simulators, computer technologies, and interactive teaching methods significantly enhances the efficiency of the educational process and prepares students for the real challenges they will face at sea.

Kherson State Maritime Academy 

Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA) is the successor of the traditions of the first maritime educational institution on the territory of Ukraine – Kherson School of Merchant Shipping (1834), and the oldest active center of maritime education among the countries of the Black Sea region. It has gone its way from the Kherson School of Merchant Shipping to a modern institution of higher education, which trains professionals for maritime industry.

KSMA provides education and training at Bachelor and Master degrees level within one Specialty – Maritime and Inland Waterway Transport and three Specializations. All the specializations are accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 

The Quality Management System is certified by the Shipping Register of Ukraine.

Academy graduates have high professional knowledge and skills. A high level of English is a unique competitive advantage of the KSMA cadets. The Academy has implemented an English language teaching system based on a communicative approach, and cadets actively practice English every day.

KSMA: Shaping Professionals For Your Sustainable Future

Kyiv Institute of Water Transport named after hetman Petro Konashevich-Sahaydachniy

The history of the Kyiv Institute of Water transport named after hetman Petro Konashevich-Sahaydachniy began in 1912, when the Kyiv River Technical School was founded by the Shipping Union. During more than one hundred years of the Institute’s existence thousands of professionals working in the national economy of Ukraine and on ships under the flags of almost all countries of the world have been trained.

Currently, the Intitule is part of the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies. The institute trains navigators, ship engineers and ship electricians, economists, accountants, logisticians and software engineers.

The Quality Management System is certified by the Shipping Register of Ukraine.

Institute structure